Parishmita Baruah

Parishmita Baruah, an Indian poet, novelist, and editor, has garnered acclaim for her book, “Streamlined Soul.” Her literary journey began at the tender age of twelve, and since then, she has honed her craft while indulging in her passions: cooking, binge-watching series and films, and immersing herself in thrilling or magic realist books. When she embarks on her travels, her creativity flourishes, and she aims to transport her readers to an untamed realm of imagination and boundless possibilities, where even imprisoned light within darkness illuminates.

One of her poignant works, “Coherence,” delves into the remnants of a past connection. In this evocative poem, she delicately intertwines imagery of promises, memories, and the inexorable bond between two souls. Through lucid dreams and a yearning for coherence, the poem resonates as a heartfelt exploration of love’s enduring impact.