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Memoirs of a Boy

 Format: Paperback  Author: Banta Natung  Category: Novella  Publisher: Frog Books  Published: 2012  ISBN: 9381836450  ISBN-13: 978-9381836453  Pages: 82  Language: English  Buy Now

‘Memoirs of a Boy’ gracefully unravels the tapestry of a teenager’s ‘first experiences’ — the tender emotions of love, the nervousness of proposing, the thrill of a first kiss, and the excitement of Valentine’s Day. Amidst all this, the central question lingers: Is the girl he loves truly waiting for him? Will destiny guide him to find his cherished love, or will he find solace only in treasuring the memories they shared?

Embark on this poignant journey alongside the protagonist as he confronts the complexities of youth and the universal longing for love and connection. ‘Memoirs of a Boy’ is a compelling tale that tugs at the heartstrings, reminding us of the essence of innocence and the pursuit of love in the face of life’s uncertainties.

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About the author

Banta Natung

Banta Natung hails from Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, and he is the author of the novella titled "Memoirs of a Boy

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