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The Naga Ethnic Movement for a Separate Homeland: Stories from the Field

 Format: Hardcover, Kindle  Author: Dr Namrata Goswami  Category: Politics, Story  Publisher: OUP India  Published: 2020  ISBN: 0190121173  Pages: 284  Language: English  Amazon  Amazon Kindle

“The Naga Ethnic Movement for a Separate Homeland: Stories from the Field” by Dr. Namrata Goswami provides a compelling narrative that explores the profound impact of conflict on the daily lives of the Nagas. Drawing upon extensive research, this volume offers a comprehensive account of the Naga ethnic movement in India since 1918, encompassing both historical and contemporary dimensions of the conflict.

Based on over a decade of immersive ethnographic work among the Naga rebels and movement zones, as well as personal interviews and secondary data, Dr. Goswami delves into the intricate dynamics between the Naga population and the institutions of the Indian state, particularly the army and paramilitary forces. Through these insights, the author reveals how the Naga people perceive their interaction with these institutions, offering a nuanced understanding of their experiences.

“The Naga Ethnic Movement for a Separate Homeland” provides a glimpse into the realities of living in a conflict zone, exploring the constraints and thought processes that arise, particularly among the youth. The book weaves together gripping stories that reflect tremendous courage and unwavering conviction from individuals who have grappled with the political unrest, either by being born into it, actively participating in it, or being affected by its consequences.

In tracing the Nagas’ deep love for their land, the book examines the intricate interplay between nature, land, identity, emotions, and culture, as well as the inter-ethnic differences that exacerbate the conflict. Through these narratives, Dr. Goswami sheds light on the complex tapestry that defines the Naga ethnic movement, offering readers a deeper understanding of its multifaceted nature.

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About the author

Dr Namrata Goswami

Dr. Namrata Goswami is an author, professor and consultant specializing in space policy, international relations, and ethnic identity

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