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Short Remedy

 Format: Paperback  Author: Kamito Anok  Category: Children Book, Fiction, Story  Publisher: Penthrill Publications  Published: 2024  ISBN: 8194018293  ISBN-13: 978-8194018292  Pages: 82  Language: English  Amazon

Presenting Short Remedy by Kamito Anok, published by PenThrill Publication. This gripping fiction novel tells the story of Ohta, a boy cursed to be forgotten. Every time someone speaks with him, their memory of the conversation vanishes the moment they leave, leaving Ohta as a void in their minds. As he grapples with this curse, Ohta gradually becomes “nothing” to those around him.

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About the author

Kamito Anok

Kamito Anok is a digital illustrator and writer whose artistic creations are deeply inspired by Japanese manga. Influenced by renowned authors such as Fujimoto Tatsuki and Sui Ishida, Kamito's work reflects a passion for the vibrant and intricate world of...

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