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Suki’s Spacecraft

 Format: Hardcover  Author: Sochumlo Suki Ezung  Category: Children Book, Fantasy  Publisher: Penthrill Publications  Published: 2016  ISBN: 8194018209  ISBN-13: 978-8194018209  Language: English  Item Weight: 300 g  Amazon

SUKI’S SPACECRAFT is the brave story of six young girls who fought the ‘untamed talent mutants’, Alvera and his robots to save their school – the place chosen by Albert Einstein during his time travel for his special spacecraft. But none of them could have guessed what they would have to give up while undertaking this dangerous adventure.

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About the author

Sochumlo Suki Ezung

SOCHUMLO SUKI EZUNG is the youngest published aurhor from Nagaland having written her first book- 'Sukis Magic Box' at the age of 10 . She enjoys drama and singings is fond of travelling and cannot go to bed without books....

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