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Teacher Man

 Format: Kindle, Paperback  Author: Sentilong Ozukum  Category: Novel, Story  Publisher: Sentilong Ozukum  Published: 2022  ISBN: 8195131204  ISBN-13: 978-8195131204  Pages: 273  Language: English  Amazon  Amazon Kindle

Embark on an extraordinary voyage to the remote and untouched land of Sangtor alongside Shisa, a hesitant young teacher burdened by a shattered heart. In the unlikeliest of destinations, he discovers an unexpected source of purpose and significance. “Teacher Man” by Sentilong Ozukum unveils a tale of self-discovery, as Shisa forges a path to contentment amidst the tempestuous backdrop of his life.

From the remnants of shattered dreams and a love left behind, Shisa emerges as a renewed individual, embracing his newfound role as a beacon of hope for the villagers of Sangtor. In the face of adversity, he becomes an agent of transformation, offering solace and inspiration to those who reside in this secluded enclave.

In this captivating narrative, we learn that home transcends mere physicality, for it is in the depths of one’s heart that true purpose and fulfillment reside. Accompany Shisa on his remarkable journey as he finds meaning in the most unexpected of places, unveiling the profound wisdom that awaits within the hallowed grounds of Sangtor.

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About the author

Sentilong Ozukum

Sentilong is a civil servant, motivational speaker, screenwriter and an emerging literary voice from North East India. His works include Campus Blues (2010), Sincerely Yours (2017), Dreams and Chaos (2020) and The Case of Longti Village (2021). Three of his...

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