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Into My Abyss

 Format: Paperback  Author: Merasen-na Jamir  Category: Fiction, Novella  Publisher: Penthrill Publications  Published: 2020  ISBN: 8194497248  ISBN-13: 978-8194497240  Pages: 86  Language: English  Item Weight: 200 g  Buy Now

“Don’t call me back!” I yelled, and hung up the phone. Of course, that’s not what I meant but well, I don’t want to be among that, ‘girls are complicated’ type of thing.

My name is Masen and my story is very realistic, plain and chaotic like everyone else’s. School was great but annoying. I was in eleventh grade. Yeah, ‘was’, because I decided to drop out on my own without my parents’ consent and surprisingly, they threw me out of the house.

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About the author

Merasen-na Jamir

Merasen-na Jamir is twenty-three years old and is currently pursuing her Msc In Counselling Psychology. She is also the author of the book, Into My Abyss which was published in the year 2020. Apart from writing stories, she shares a...

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