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Dandelion Dreams

 Format: Paperback  Author: Tialila Kikon  Category: Poetry  Publisher:  Published: 2019  ISBN: 9389074290  ISBN-13: 978-9389074291  Pages: 71  Language: English  Amazon

Dandelion Dreams” is a modern poetry collection crafted with a genuine conviction that even amidst the rejections, pain, and disillusionments of the world, life can retain its beauty, resembling a delightful dream. It emphasizes that regardless of how modest our dreams may appear, we must navigate the currents of life and blossom like resilient and captivating dandelions in the warmth of the sun. Let us remain steadfast and unshaken by shame and adversity. If the verses within this collection manage to instill “hope” anew in even a single weary soul, encouraging them to embrace it with faith once more, I would be grateful, considering my aspiration fulfilled.

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About the author

Tialila Kikon

Tialila Kikon is a poet, writer and educator based in Dimapur, Nagaland. Her poems and stories have appeared in various anthologies and journals. Her first book of poems, Paper Cranes (2016) published by Cyberwit Publishers, Allahabad was selected to be...

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