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Endless I Will Be

 Format: Kindle, Paperback  Author: Sonia Oinam  Category: Poetry  Publisher: Notion Press  Published: 2023  ISBN: 8891865563  ISBN-13: 979-8891865563  ASIN: B0CPPYD8TF  Pages: 160  Language: English  Item Weight: 1 kg 50 g  Amazon  Amazon Kindle

Endless I Will Be’ is not just a collection of poems but a companion in the spiritual journey of the poet’s life. This collection of poems relives the moments that inspired the poet and the moments that taught her about love, hatred, departure, hope, truth, mystery, nature, failure, success, betrayal, pain, time and struggle of one’s native land. The poetry echoes with everyone’s life through the different phases that one faces in life – when the heart beats, when the heart bleeds, when the heart rejoices and when the heart discovers about many things. It captures the moment of soul connection with one’s own self, with nature and is about finding one’s true calling in life. Through these poems, may you relive the moments that you have left hidden in your heart too. Feel the moment, feel the words and feel the Nature that teaches and heals us always.

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About the author

Sonia Oinam

Sonia Oinam was born in Imphal, Manipur, India. As a young girl, she had started writing poetry during her school days. She continued writing articles, letter to the editors, poems in local newspapers during her graduation and post-graduation days. She...

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