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His Father’s Disease: Stories

 Format: Kindle, Paperback  Author: Aruni Kashyap  Category: Fiction, Novel, Story  Publisher: Lubin & Kleyner  Published: 2021  ISBN: 0954157095  ISBN-13: 978-0954157098  Pages: 164  Language: English  Amazon

Discover the captivating collection, “His Father’s Disease: Stories” by the talented Aruni Kashyap. Prepare to embark on a literary journey that traverses the intriguing realms of memory, identity, and the complex tapestry of human existence.

In this remarkable anthology, Kashyap masterfully reimagines the timeless fable of Tejimola, the girl who blossomed into foliage, captivating audiences at a conference in Delhi. Yet, despite his literary prowess, the English-language literati remain perplexed as to why he deviates from the expected narratives surrounding insurgency.

With the opening story, Kashyap immediately sets the tone for an intimate exploration of both the familiar and the foreign. Drawing inspiration from modern post-colonial storytellers such as Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Daniyal Mueenuddin, he fearlessly unearths the concealed intricacies of rural villages and burgeoning cities, exposing their hidden secrets and unspoken truths. Prepare to confront the delicate dance between hypocrisy and desire, the triumphs and tribulations that dwell within the depths of our souls. These pages lay bare the rich tapestry of human experiences, the very essence of our existence.

Within this evocative collection, love, violence, motherhood, and sexuality intertwine, enthralling readers with their raw authenticity. As you delve deeper into the stories meticulously crafted by Kashyap, you may find yourself contemplating the nature of storytelling itself: which tales truly capture the essence of a place, which narratives are deserving of our attention, and ultimately, what stories do we truly yearn to tell?

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About the author

Aruni Kashyap

Aruni Kashyap is a writer and translator. He is the author of the novel The House With a Thousand Stories (Viking, 2013) : set against a series of widespread extra-judicial killings conducted by the Indian government during the late nineties...

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