Explore Books From The Northeast
In this poignant coming-of-age novel set in the picturesque town of Mokokchung, Nagaland, a young school principal finds an unlikely kindred spirit in Ari, a new teacher who reignites his long-dormant quest to uncover the truth about his absent father’s identity. From courtrooms to hospital deathbeds, the secrets and denials that meet his tireless search penetrate the fortress he built against the world that never fully claimed him as its own. As the mysteries of past and present collide, the love that gives him the courage to seek answers also forces him to confront the realities of who he is and where he comes from. Will embracing the past finally lead him to the redemption he seeks?
Sentilong is a civil servant, motivational speaker, screenwriter and an emerging literary voice from North East India. His works include Campus Blues (2010), Sincerely Yours (2017), Dreams and Chaos (2020) and The Case of Longti Village (2021). Three of his...
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