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Living Ghost and Other Uncanny Stories

 Format: Kindle, Paperback  Author: Chansa Makan  Category: Story  Publisher: Blue Rose Publishers  Published: 2020  Pages: 157  Language: English  Amazon  Amazon Kindle

“Living Ghosts and Other Uncanny Stories,” published in 2020, is a captivating semi-fictional work by Chansa Makan. This remarkable collection weaves together a tapestry of folktales, legends, and true-life accounts, intertwined with eerie and chilling narratives. Within its pages lie seven uncanny stories, including a captivating series. Chansa Makan, hailing from Ukhrul, Manipur, is an Imphal-born Tangkhul Naga author.

Have you ever encountered living ghosts or heard tales of their existence? In his debut book, “Living Ghosts and Other Uncanny Stories,” Makan draws inspiration from the peculiar narratives shared by his mother and people within his circles. The essence of these stories revolves around the enigmatic realm of living ghosts. Among the tales that take center stage are “Kazeiram Kazang,” “Zingtai Mansingla,” and “Mi Khangayei.” Notably, the enthralling series of “Kashong Philava” stories also holds a prominent place within this captivating collection.

“This book delves into the mystic world of the Tangkhul Naga where the line between the real and spirit worlds are blurred. Drawn from the deep oral storytelling tradition, the author successfully takes the readers to a place where the present and past exist together side by side – where supernatural is a part of everyday life. The book captures a very important essence of the Tangkhul Naga and their beliefs and is a welcomed addition to the growing depository of English writing from the North East India.

Jim Wungramyao Kasom

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About the author

Chansa Makan

Chansa Makan is an Imphal-born, Tangkhul Naga from Ukhrul district of Manipur. He studied English Literature from Nehu, Shillong. He did his M. Phil in English from Delhi University. He is currently teaching as an assistant professor of English in...

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