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The Yellow Dress

 Author: Inakali Assumi  Category: Story  Publisher: Penthrill Publications  Published: 2018  ISBN: 8194497205  Language: English

“The Yellow Dress” by Inakali Assumi is an anthology comprising 16 concise narratives, brought to readers through the publishing efforts of PenThrill Publications in February 2020. Within its pages, the collection masterfully weaves the threads of realism and hyperbole, delving into a tapestry of themes that encompass the loss of innocence, the metamorphosis of lives, and the indelible imprints of poignant memories. As the stories unfold, the transition from the tender realm of childhood innocence to the unvarnished truths of adulthood is vividly portrayed. Garnering a commendable reception, the book’s sales have surpassed many literary counterparts, a testament to its resonance with readers. Notably, the book’s acclaim extends to its inclusion in the MA 3rd semester English syllabus at St. Joseph University.


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