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We Come From Mist: Writings from Meghalaya

 Format: Hardcover  Series: Fragrance of Peace  Author: Janice Pariat  Category: Story  Publisher: Zubaan Books  Published: 2023  ISBN: 9390514266  ISBN-13: 978-9390514267  Pages: 290  Language: English  Buy Now  Amazon

We Come From Mist: Writings from Meghalaya” beckons you into a captivating world of artistry and emotion, offered graciously by the women of Meghalaya in Northeast India. This anthology is a multifaceted gem, adorned with prose, poetry, musical verses, and visual art, all woven together to paint a vivid tapestry of this enchanting region.

Nestled among the smallest states in the country, Meghalaya reveals its breathtaking beauty through landscapes that inspire melodies and tales. However, the shadows of political turbulence and civil unrest have also touched its soil, leaving behind a sense of quiet unease that permeates the stories within these pages. From the intimacy of homes and kitchens to the bustle of marketplaces and public taxis, these works mirror the complexities of life in this unique place.

But amidst the reflections of challenges, this anthology is, above all, a celebration. It sings the praises of wisdom and joy, embraces the richness of queerness and sisterhood, and tenderly explores the nuances of motherhood and feminine identity. It pays homage to the sanctity of home and hearth, and in doing so, unites the voices of both established and emerging writers and artists. Their collective expressions are brought together under the curation of Janice Pariat, a novelist and poet hailing from these very hills.

As you delve into the book, you find yourself drawn into an intimate gathering around a warm fire, where laughter and tears intermingle, and the dance of storytelling unfolds. The pages take you on a journey back to the misty hills, where dreams are born and where the promise of undiscovered wonders lingers in the air. “We Come From Mist” is an ode to the past, a celebration of the present, and an invitation to embrace the mysteries of what lies ahead.

Contributors: Amanda Basaiamoit | Amanda Christie Tongper | Amrita Dutta | Angel Konthoujam | Anjum Hasan | Antara Roy Oruganti | Balaiamon Kharngapkynta | Bymonmiralda B Lato | Careen Joplin Langstieh | Cheryl Rynjah | Clarissa Giri | Daiaphi Lamare aka Reble | Daiarisa Rumnong | Daribha Lyndem | Esther Larisa David | Evangelene Nongkhlaw | Fileona Dkhar | Jobeth Ann Warjri | Karen L. Donoghue | Lahundashisha Kharshiing | Longnam Wanbiang Kharpuri | Maya Mawlong | Menty Jamir | Reeju Ray | Samanda Nora Pyngrope | Satarupa Paul | Saweini Laloo

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About the author

Janice Pariat

Janice Pariat is the author of Boats on Land: A Collection of Short Stories and Seahorse: A Novel. She was awarded the Young Writer Award from the Sahitya Akademi and the Crossword Book Award for Fiction in 2013. She studied...

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